World丨Businesses protest EUs protectionism



Chinese companies have expressed deep concerns over rising protectionism in the European Union, as the bloc ramps up its anti-subsidy probes targeting Chinese companies, especially those making clean energy products.


Chinese Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao and other senior officials heard their complaints during their recent visits to Spain, Portugal and Poland.


Speaking at a roundtable in Lisbon on Tuesday, Wang acknowledged the rising risks for Chinese companies in Europe. He called on the EU to commit to cooperating with China and ensuring a fair competitive environment for Chinese companies, according to CCCEU representatives who attended the meeting.


Chinese representatives from sectors such as finance, green energy, transportation, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals and construction discussed the EU's growing protectionist measures at the meeting.


Chinese companies stressed that the EU's market environment has further deteriorated in recent months, marked by escalating trade protectionist measures.


Wang refuted the "unfair competition" accusation and called it groundless. He said some countries are implementing high tariffs, discriminatory subsidies, investment restrictions and unilateral sanctions that contravene World Trade Organization rules, with the aim of excluding Chinese companies from their markets. "This is not fair competition at all," Wang was quoted by the CCCEU as saying.


Malicious attempts


"We embrace healthy competition, but stand firmly against any malicious attempts for suppression."


Erik Solheim, a Norwegian politician and former executive director of the UN Environment Programme, said the world needs more green products that are affordable and reliable.


"China is doing that. Everyone should compliment China," he said, adding that "it's a fantastic news for the world".


He said Europe and the United States should embrace the competition by welcoming Chinese companies to invest there so they can learn from superior Chinese technology.


In an article on the Forbes news site on Thursday, Neil Winton, a former European automotive correspondent for Reuters, warned that "cutting China's EV sales in Europe would undermine important EU plans to end the sale of new gasoline and diesel vehicles by 2035".


Mercedes-Benz CEO Ola Kaellenius voiced his stance against restrictions during an industry 


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